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ggplot(data = iris)+
  geom_grid(aes(y = Sepal.Length, x=Species),binwidth =0.1)




  • coord_flip に対応したい
  • 四角が大きいとき隣の四角とかぶってしまうのをなんとかしたい
  • bins でビンの数を変えられるようにしたい
  • stack に対応したい
geom_grid <-function(mapping =NULL, data =NULL,
                         position ="identity",
                         ...,# bins = NULL,
                         binwidth =NULL,
                         binaxis ="y",
                         method ="dotdensity",
                         binpositions ="bygroup",
                         stackdir ="up",
                         stackratio =1,
                         dotsize =1,
                         stackgroups =FALSE,
                         origin =NULL,
                         right =TRUE,
                         width =0.9,
                         drop =FALSE,
                         na.rm =FALSE,
                         show.legend =NA,
                         inherit.aes =TRUE){# If identical(position, "stack") or position is position_stack(), tell them# to use stackgroups=TRUE instead. Need to use identical() instead of ==,# because == will fail if object is position_stack() or position_dodge()if(!is.null(position)&&(identical(position,"stack")||(inherits(position,"PositionStack"))))
    message("position=\"stack\" doesn't work properly with geom_dotplot. Use stackgroups=TRUE instead.")if(stackgroups && method =="dotdensity"&& binpositions =="bygroup")
    message('geom_dotplot called with stackgroups=TRUE and method="dotdensity". You probably want to set binpositions="all"')
    data = data,
    mapping = mapping,
    stat = StatBindot,
    geom = GeomGrid,
    position = position,
    show.legend = show.legend,
    inherit.aes = inherit.aes,# Need to make sure that the binaxis goes to both the stat and the geom
    params =list(
      binaxis = binaxis,# bins = bins,
      binwidth = binwidth,
      binpositions = binpositions,
      method = method,
      origin = origin,
      right = right,
      width = width,
      drop = drop,
      stackdir = stackdir,
      stackratio = stackratio,
      dotsize = dotsize,
      stackgroups = stackgroups,
      na.rm = na.rm,

GeomGrid <- ggproto("GeomGrid", Geom,
                       required_aes = c("x","y"),
                       non_missing_aes = c("size","shape"),
                       default_aes = aes(colour ="black", fill ="white", alpha =NA, stroke =1, linetype ="solid"),
                       setup_data =function(data, params){
                         data$width <- data$width %||%
                           params$width %||%(resolution(data$x,FALSE)*0.9)# Set up the stacking function and rangeif(is.null(params$stackdir)|| params$stackdir =="up"){
                           stackdots <-function(a)  a -.5
                           stackaxismin <-0
                           stackaxismax <-1}elseif(params$stackdir =="down"){
                           stackdots <-function(a)-a +.5
                           stackaxismin <--1
                           stackaxismax <-0}elseif(params$stackdir =="center"){
                           stackdots <-function(a)  a -1- max(a -1)/2
                           stackaxismin <--.5
                           stackaxismax <-.5}elseif(params$stackdir =="centerwhole"){
                           stackdots <-function(a)  a -1- floor(max(a -1)/2)
                           stackaxismin <--.5
                           stackaxismax <-.5}# Fill the bins: at a given x (or y), if count=3, make 3 entries at that x
                         data <- data[rep(1:nrow(data), data$count),]# Next part will set the position of each dot within each stack# If stackgroups=TRUE, split only on x (or y) and panel; if not stacking, also split by group# plyvars <- params$binaxis %||% "x"# plyvars <- params$binaxis %||% "x"# plyvars <- c(plyvars, "PANEL")# if (is.null(params$stackgroups) || !params$stackgroups)#   plyvars <- c(plyvars, "group")# Within each x, or x+group, set countidx=1,2,3, and set stackpos according to stack function# data <- dapply(data, plyvars, function(xx) {#   xx$countidx <- 1:nrow(xx)#   xx$stackpos <- stackdots(xx$countidx)#   xx# })
                         data <-  data %>%
                           dplyr::mutate(countidx = row_number())%>%
                           dplyr::mutate(stackpos = stackdots(countidx))# Set the bounding boxes for the dotsif(is.null(params$binaxis)|| params$binaxis =="x"){# ymin, ymax, xmin, and xmax define the bounding rectangle for each stack# Can't do bounding box per dot, because y position isn't real.# After position code is rewritten, each dot should have its own bounding box.
                           data$xmin <- data$x - data$binwidth /2
                           data$xmax <- data$x + data$binwidth /2
                           data$ymin <- stackaxismin
                           data$ymax <- stackaxismax
                           data$y    <-0}elseif(params$binaxis =="y"){# ymin, ymax, xmin, and xmax define the bounding rectangle for each stack# Can't do bounding box per dot, because x position isn't real.# xmin and xmax aren't really the x bounds, because of the odd way the grob# works. They're just set to the standard x +- width/2 so that dot clusters# can be dodged like other geoms.# After position code is rewritten, each dot should have its own bounding box.
                           data <- dplyr::mutate(dplyr::group_by(data, group, PANEL),
                                          ymin = min(y)- binwidth /2,
                                          ymax = max(y)+ binwidth /2)
                           data$xmin <- data$x + data$width * stackaxismin
                           data$xmax <- data$x + data$width * stackaxismax
                           # Unlike with y above, don't change x because it will cause problems with dodging}
                       draw_group =function(data, panel_params, coord, na.rm =FALSE,
                                             binaxis ="x", stackdir ="up", stackratio =1,
                                             dotsize =1, stackgroups =FALSE){if(!coord$is_linear()){
                           warning("geom_grid does not work properly with non-linear coordinates.")}
                         tdata <- coord$transform(data, panel_params)# Swap axes if using coord_flipif(inherits(coord,"CoordFlip"))
                           binaxis <- ifelse(binaxis =="x","y","x")if(binaxis =="x"){
                           stackaxis ="y"
                           dotdianpc <- dotsize * tdata$binwidth[1]/(max(panel_params$x.range)- min(panel_params$x.range))}elseif(binaxis =="y"){
                           stackaxis ="x"
                           dotdianpc <- dotsize * tdata$binwidth[1]/(max(panel_params$y.range)- min(panel_params$y.range))}
                                rectstackGrob(stackaxis = stackaxis, x = tdata$x, y = tdata$y, dotdia = dotdianpc,
                                             stackposition = tdata$stackpos, stackratio = stackratio,
                                             default.units ="npc",
                                             gp = gpar(col = alpha(tdata$colour, tdata$alpha),
                                                       fill = alpha(tdata$fill, tdata$alpha),
                                                       lwd = tdata$stroke, lty = tdata$linetype)))},
                       draw_key = draw_key_dotplot

rectstackGrob <-function(
  x = unit(0.5,"npc"),# x pos of the dotstack's origin
  y = unit(0.5,"npc"),# y pos of the dotstack's origin
  stackaxis ="y",
  dotdia = unit(1,"npc"),# Dot diameter in the non-stack axis, should be in npc
  stackposition =0,# Position of each dot in the stack, relative to origin
  stackratio =1,# Stacking height of dots (.75 means 25% dot overlap)
  default.units ="npc", name =NULL, gp = gpar(), vp =NULL){if(!grid::is.unit(x))
    x <- unit(x, default.units)if(!grid::is.unit(y))
    y <- unit(y, default.units)if(!grid::is.unit(dotdia))
    dotdia <- unit(dotdia, default.units)if(attr(dotdia,"unit")!="npc")
    warning("Unit type of dotdia should be 'npc'")
  grob(x = x, y = y, stackaxis = stackaxis, dotdia = dotdia,
       stackposition = stackposition, stackratio = stackratio,
       name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp, cl ="rectstackGrob")}

makeContext.rectstackGrob <-function(x, recording =TRUE){# Need absolute coordinates because when using npc coords with circleGrob,# the radius is in the _smaller_ of the two axes. We need the radius# to instead be defined in terms of the non-stack axis.
  xmm <- convertX(x$x,"mm", valueOnly =TRUE)
  ymm <- convertY(x$y,"mm", valueOnly =TRUE)if(x$stackaxis =="x"){
    dotdiamm <- convertY(x$dotdia,"mm", valueOnly =TRUE)
    xpos <- xmm + dotdiamm *(x$stackposition * x$stackratio +(1- x$stackratio)/2)
    ypos <- ymm
  }elseif(x$stackaxis =="y"){
    dotdiamm <- convertX(x$dotdia,"mm", valueOnly =TRUE)
    xpos <- xmm
    ypos <- ymm + dotdiamm *(x$stackposition * x$stackratio +(1- x$stackratio)/2)}
    x = xpos, y = ypos, width = dotdiamm , height = dotdiamm ,
    default.units ="mm",
    name = x$name, gp = x$gp, vp = x$vp

ggplot(data = iris)+
  geom_grid(aes(y = Sepal.Length, x=Species),binwidth =0.1)

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