Hello everyone. I introduce an R package ggbrick.
My English is poor. If you don't understand my writing, please use comment field (コメントを書く).
ggbrick provides the function geom_brick which is a fun alternative to geom_violin or geom_boxplot.
library(ggplot2)library(ggbrick) ggplot(data = iris)+ geom_brick(aes(y = Sepal.Length, x=Species), binwidth =0.1)
The argument binwidth or bins make change bins width.
ggplot(data = iris)+ geom_brick(aes(y = Sepal.Length, x=Species), binwidth =0.5)
ggplot(data = iris)+ geom_brick(aes(y = Sepal.Length, x=Species), binwidth =0.5, fill ="black")
You can change the color and stack the rectangles.
ggplot(data = mpg,aes(y = cty, x=factor(year), fill=factor(cyl)))+ geom_brick(binwidth =1)
If stackgroups = FALSE:
ggplot(data = mpg,aes(y = cty, x=factor(year), fill=factor(cyl)))+ geom_brick(binwidth =1, stackgroups =FALSE, alpha =0.5)
If stackdir = "centerwhole":
ggplot(data = mpg,aes(y = cty, x=factor(year), fill=factor(cyl)))+ geom_brick(binwidth =1, stackgroups =FALSE, alpha =0.5, stackdir ="centerwhole", position = position_dodge(0.5))
When you want to turn sideways, use coord_flip:
ggplot(data = diamonds, aes(x = color, y=carat, colour=cut))+ geom_brick(binwidth=0.2)+ coord_flip()
You can add stat_summary:
ggplot(data = iris,aes(y = Sepal.Length, x=Species))+ geom_brick(binwidth =0.1, stackdir ="centerwhole")+ stat_summary(fun.y = median, fun.ymin = median, fun.ymax = median, geom ="crossbar")
You can use facet:
iris2 <- tidyr::gather(iris,key,value,-Species) ggplot(data = iris2,aes(y = value, x=Species))+ geom_brick(binwidth =0.3,fill="black")+ facet_wrap(~key,scales ="free_y")
Anscombe's quartet
I'd like to plot the data set available from the following page in several ways.
It is a visualization which is faithful to the data. However, when the data points increases, it is difficult to show the frequency.
The boxplot only shows summarized statistics. In this data set, you can not see any difference in the distributions.
I think that the distribution can be understood.
pretty good, but the violinplots sometimes make over smoothing.
R code is here:
library(tidyverse)library(ggbrick) dat <- read_tsv("~/Downloads/SameStatsDataAndImages/datasets/BoxPlots.tsv") dat_t <- gather(dat,key,value,-X1) ggplot(dat_t,aes(x=key,y=value))+ geom_jitter() ggplot(dat_t,aes(x=key,y=value))+ geom_boxplot() ggplot(dat_t,aes(x=key,y=value))+ geom_brick() ggplot(dat_t,aes(x=key,y=value))+ geom_violin()